Dipl.-Ing. Arch (Kassel), MArch (HKU), PhD (HKU), Dr.-Ing. (Kassel)
Christiane M. Herr is a Professor, PhD supervisor, and Director of the BEng Industrial Design program at SUSTech. She leads the Future Ecologies Research Group, focusing on ecological design, advanced façade technologies, and digital design. She holds a Dipl.-Ing., MArch, PhD, and a second Dr.-Ing. from the University of Kassel and The University of Hong Kong. Previously, she worked at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Shenzhen University, and National Cheng Kung University. She served as President of CAADRIA for four years and is now vice-chair of the CAADFutures Foundation. She is on the editorial boards of *Journal of Architectural Computing* and *Architectural Intelligence* and has over 100 peer-reviewed publications. She recently co-edited *Design Cybernetics: Navigating the New* (Springer).
Christiane M. Herr 是南方科技大学(SUSTech)的教授、博士生导师以及工业设计本科专业的主任。她领导着未来生态研究小组,专注于生态设计、先进幕墙技术和数字设计。她拥有卡塞尔大学和香港大学的Dipl.-Ing.、建筑学硕士(MArch)、博士学位(PhD)以及第二个工学博士学位(Dr.-Ing.)。她曾在西交利物浦大学、深圳大学和国立成功大学工作。她曾担任亚洲计算机辅助建筑设计研究协会(CAADRIA)主席四年,现任CAADFutures基金会副主席。她是《建筑计算学报》(*Journal of Architectural Computing*)和《建筑智能》(*Architectural Intelligence*)的编委会成员,并发表了100多篇同行评审的论文。她最近合编了《设计控制论:探索新领域》(*Design Cybernetics: Navigating the New*,Springer出版)。
Yiming Liu 刘燚铭
Biophilic Design & Generative Design
Sihao Chen 陈思好
PhD University of Liverpool
Urban Ecology & Landscape Architecture
Wenpei Li 李文佩
Landscape Architecture & Data-Driven Research
Haorui Tian 田皓瑞
Biodesign & Bio-HCI
Umaru Mohammed
Biophilic Design &
Adaptive Design
Zijie Chen 陈梓杰
Master SUSTech
Computer Science & Design
Daxu Wei 魏大旭
Visiting Scholar SUSTech
Al-driven Design,
Generative AI
Wowei Zhang 张握纬
Master SUSTech
Industrial Design, Service Design for Drone Delivery
Le Zhao 赵乐
Master SUSTech
Strategic Design,Service Design for Drone Delivery