Urban Green Spaces and Physical Activity

The Future of Urban Ecology 

Urbanization has reshaped landscapes and introduced environmental factors like land-use change, urban heat islands, noise, and artificial light. These factors act as filters influencing species persistence, breeding fitness, and reproduction, affecting population dynamics and eco-evolution. However, research on the interactive effects of these factors and food resources on breeding fitness is limited, leaving a fragmented understanding. To prevent further biodiversity loss, there is an urgent need for strategic conservation planning in urban areas, grounded in scientific insights into landscape patterns, species needs, and development pressures.


WHO倡导优化城市绿地(UGS)以应对身体活动不足及相关疾病。本研究开发监督与非监督NLP框架,利用Google Maps和TripAdvisor的在线文本量化UGS特征、身体活动(PA)及感知,并结合移动数据与调查评估PA。通过分析在线评价与公园使用、不同PA水平的关系,研究为UGS设计与研究提供见解,揭示平台与方法差异。

Project Lead: Wenpei Li | 李文佩
